BA in Classical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Student Brenna Knippen stands in front of her research poster on Heinrich Schliemann’s Colonialism: The Catalyst for the Development of Ottoman Antiquities Policy

A Bachelor of Arts in Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (CANES) is not only intellectually fulfilling, but can lead to many prestigious careers. Classical studies also combines well with many additional majors, such as archaeology, anthropology and history.

Students in the CANES major choose to focus in Greek, Latin, or Biblical Hebrew, with options to select electives from one of these languages. Potential courses in the major include Sports and Society in Ancient Greece, Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East, Dead Sea Scrolls and Power and Persuasion in the Ancient World. Many students also transfer credits taken abroad toward the CANES major.

Students should consult the coordinator of the CANES program before attempting to transfer credit or declare a major.

Capstone in Classical Studies

All students in the CANES major must complete CLAS 4111: Capstone Study in the junior or senior year. During the seminar, students complete practical research that may take the form of an internship with relevant groups such as the Smithsonian Institution or the American Schools of Oriental Research. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, students design a culminating project aligned with their interests, previous curricular experience and future goals.

Capstone projects should demonstrate that a student can find and evaluate information about the ancient world in both traditional and digital forms, and demonstrate it clearly. Students submit their results as a written report and present their findings to their fellow CANES majors.

Course Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled:

The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Programs.

Classical language proficiency
In addition to course requirements, students must complete the language proficiency requirement, which includes Greek (GREK) or Latin (LATN) language study through the 2002 level, or one classical language through the 1002 level and the other through the 2001 level. Students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Latin examination are encouraged to contact the program coordinator. Alternatively, students may fulfill the language requirement by completing Biblical Hebrew language study, including HEBR 1001 and HEBR 1002 (or their equivalent), as well as HEBR 2003 and HEBR 2004.
Core course requirements
One course (3 credits) selected from the following: 1
CLAS 2112History of Ancient Greece
or HIST 2112 History of Ancient Greece
CLAS 2113The Roman World to 337 A.D.
or HIST 2113 The Roman World to 337 A.D.
One course (3 credits) selected from the following:
CLAS 2803The Ancient Near East and Egypt to 322 B.C.
or HIST 2803 The Ancient Near East and Egypt to 322 B.C.
CLAS 2804History of Ancient Israel
or HIST 2804 History of Ancient Israel
One course (3 credits) selected from the following:
CAH 3101Ancient Art of the Bronze Age and Greece
CAH 3102Ancient Art of the Roman Empire
CAH 3103Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Near East
Capstone (3 credits)
CLAS 4111Capstone Study
21 credits (seven courses) in elective courses, taken as follows: 2
12 credits (four courses) selected from Group A, including at least two courses at the 3000 level or above. 1
9 credits (three courses) selected from Groups A and/or B. All 9 credits may be taken in Group B; however, if a student takes more than 9 credits in courses included in Group B, only 9 of those credits may be counted toward degree requirements.
Group A: CLAS, GREK, and LATN
CLAS 2104Ancient Medicine and Modern Medical Terms
CLAS 2105Special Topics
CLAS 2105WSpecial Topics
CLAS 2106Mythology of the Classical World
or CLAS 2106W Mythology of the Classical World
CLAS 2107Greek and Roman Drama
CLAS 2112History of Ancient Greece
or HIST 2112 History of Ancient Greece
CLAS 2113The Roman World to 337 A.D.
or HIST 2113 The Roman World to 337 A.D.
CLAS 2802Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East
CLAS 2803The Ancient Near East and Egypt to 322 B.C.
or HIST 2803 The Ancient Near East and Egypt to 322 B.C.
CLAS 2804History of Ancient Israel 3
or HIST 2804 History of Ancient Israel
CLAS 3104Dead Sea Scrolls
CLAS 3105Topics in Classical Studies
CLAS 3107Law and Diplomacy in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean
CLAS 3111Topics in Ancient History
or HIST 3111 Topics in Ancient History
CLAS 3112Art and Archaeology of Pompeii
CLAS 3113Greece and Rome in the Art and Architecture of Washington D.C.
CLAS 3114Topics in Ancient Literatures and Cultures
CLAS 3115Topics in Ancient Art and Archaeology
CLAS 3116Identity in the Greco-Roman World
or HIST 3116 Identity in the Greco-Roman World
CLAS 3117Alexander the Great
CLAS 3119The Ancient Economy
or HIST 3119 The Ancient Economy
CLAS 3901Directed Project
or CLAS 3901W Directed Project
CLAS 4901Directed Project
GREK 3001Major Greek Authors I
or GREK 3001W Major Greek Authors II
GREK 3002Major Greek Authors II
or GREK 3002W Major Greek Authors II
LATN 3001Major Latin Authors I
or LATN 3001W Major Latin Authors I
LATN 3002Major Latin Authors II
or LATN 3002W Major Latin Authors II
Group B: Interdisciplinary
Up to 9 credits. All 9 credits may be taken in Group B; however, if a student takes more than 9 credits in courses included in Group B, only 9 of those credits may be counted toward degree requirements.
ANTH 3834Field Research: Old World
CAH 3101Ancient Art of the Bronze Age and Greece
CAH 3102Ancient Art of the Roman Empire
CAH 3103Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Near East
CAH 3104Art and Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age
or ANTH 3806 Art and Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age
CAH 3106Art and Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands 3
or ANTH 3805 Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands
CAH 3111Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture
PHIL 2111History of Ancient Philosophy
or PHIL 2111W History of Ancient Philosophy
PSC 2105Major Issues of Western Political Thought I
REL 1009The Hebrew Scriptures
REL 1010The New Testament
REL 3341Christianity in the Ancient World

1A course taken as part of the core requirement may not also count as a Group A or Group B course selection.

2Students may also earn credit from directed study or coursework abroad if approved by appropriate faculty in Classical Studies.

3Only one course from the following can be counted toward major requirements:  ANTH 3805CAH 3106CLAS 2804, or HIST 2804.