Minor in Hebrew

Copies of Haartz newspaper in english and hebrew editions with reading glasses

The minor in Hebrew combines rigorous study of the Hebrew language along with Hebrew and Israeli literature and culture. Students complete four core courses in Hebrew language as well as two electives of their choosing, with class topics covering literature, history, film, media and more.

Students should consult the Hebrew program coordinator before declaring a minor.

Course Requirements

Minor in HebrewThe minor in Hebrew combines rigorous study of the Hebrew language along with Hebrew and Israeli literature and culture. Students complete four core courses in the Hebrew language as well as two electives of their choosing, with class topics covering literature, history, film, media, and more. Course List
Prerequisites *
HEBR 1001Beginning Hebrew I
HEBR 1002Beginning Hebrew II
HEBR 2001Intermediate Hebrew I
HEBR 2002Intermediate Hebrew II
HEBR 3001Hebrew Conversation and Writing
HEBR 3301Modern Hebrew Fiction **
or HEBR 3301W Modern Hebrew Fiction
or HEBR 3302 The Israeli Media
or HEBR 3302W The Israeli Media
Two elective courses from the following:
HEBR 3101Modern Hebrew Literary Classics in Translation
HEBR 3102Israeli Society and Culture: Literary Perspectives
HEBR 3103Israeli Cinema (in English)
HEBR 3104WGender and Sexuality in Israel
HEBR 3105Special Topics
HEBR 3301Modern Hebrew Fiction **
or HEBR 3301W Modern Hebrew Fiction
or HEBR 3302 The Israeli Media
or HEBR 3302W The Israeli Media
HEBR 4001Advanced Hebrew Literature I
HEBR 4002Advanced Hebrew Literature II
HIST 2812History of Zionism
or JSTD 2812
REL 1009The Hebrew Scriptures

* HEBR 1001 and HEBR 1002 or equivalent must be completed prior to beginning the minor program.

**HEBR 3301 or HEBR 3301W or HEBR 3302 or HEBR 3302W may be taken as an elective only if not taken as a required course.